Community Projects

Kirli Saunders (OAM) holds a Bachelor in Education (Hons) (UOW) and facilitates DEI programs for corporate, government, art, education projects, and Decolonisation programs with Shifting Ground (Garuwa). Kirli has significant experience in cultural liaison and arts project management. She created Poetry in First Languages, Returning and Re[ad]generate, delivered in partnership with many First Nations collaborators and industry partners. Kirli helped shape the CreateNSW Aboriginal Arts Culture Protocols, is a Merrigong’s First Nations Advisory Group member and is a founding board member for First Nations Place Names.  


- Poetic Arts Exhibition & Collection


a gofundme campaign aimed at supporting communities in fire and flood affected areas through stories and solidarity

Poetry in First Languages

Teaching First Nations languages through creative writing programs

  • Delivered by Red Room Poetry and developed by Gunai poet Kirli Saunders, Poetry in First Languages (PIFL) celebrates, shares and preserves knowledge of First Nations languages and culture through poetry, music, dance and art. PIFL aims to support students to find strength in their cultural identities through language learning and connecting to Country, Culture and Community with the intention of enhancing overall wellbeing and knowledge.

    Find out about 2020 workshops |read commissioned poets.





Resources for Teachers